Next.js is becoming an increasingly popular choice in the world of web development. It is an open-source React-based JavaScript framework that assists developers in quickly creating server-side rendered and optimized React applications. But is Next.js a fullstack framework?
The answer is no. Next.js is not a fullstack framework. It is a client-side JavaScript library that allows for the speedy development of server-side rendered and optimized web applications. It does not provide any server-side functions, as it is centered solely on client-side development.
What does Next.js do? It is a React-based library that enables developers to quickly create server-side rendered and optimized web applications. It has been designed to make the development process more efficient and seamless by providing a set of tools and features, such as built-in routing and page prefetching, automatic code splitting, hot code reloading, server-side rendering, support for CSS-in-JS libraries, and easy deployment.
So why is Next.js not a fullstack framework? It is not a fullstack framework because it does not offer any server-side capabilities. It is only focused on client-side development, and does not provide any tools or features for server-side development. Consequently, developers will need to use a different server-side framework, such as Express or Koa, to create server-side functionalities.
This also implies that developers are responsible for configuring and managing the server-side environment, as well as any other server-side functionalities. This can be time-consuming and challenging for developers, as they will need to configure the server-side environment and learn and understand the server-side framework.
In conclusion, Next.js is not a fullstack framework, but it is a powerful and user-friendly library for creating client-side applications. It provides a set of tools and features that make it easy to get up and running quickly, and provides a powerful static site generator. However, developers will need to use a separate server-side framework to create server-side functionalities.